Friday, May 15, 2020

Politics, Propaganda, and Hate Essay - 1007 Words

Politics, Propaganda, and Hate Propaganda is very important issue in our society. The word propaganda however, has a very negative connotation. This may happen because people tend to associate it with the enormous campaigns that were waged by Hitler and Stalin, (Delwiche 2002). Now propaganda has a different face. It may not be as obvious as but it is used regurlarly by politicians, companies and others who are interested in influencing our behaviour. Propaganda is the control of opinion by significant symbols influence, (Laswell, as cited in Chadwick). There are seven types of propaganda devices. These have been categorized into a few groups by the Institute of Propaganda Analysis (IPA): Name Calling, Glittering Generality,†¦show more content†¦A relevant example is the Afghani response to the war against terrorism. Aaaron Delwiche published a story on his site which was retrieved from the BBC. They reported a story in 2002, form the the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) about the propaganda material that was being distributed in Afghanistan. The pamphlets were distributed in Nangarhar Province in Eastern Afghanistan. The following is an quote from that pamphlet: It is a well known and open fact that since mankind has been in existence a tireless and endless struggle has been waged between good and evil. Good was always victorious and evil was destroyed and devastated. This struggle continues today. Some Muslims have been confused and disappointed by this anti terrorist campaign, but thank God, they separated the true Muslims from the hypocrites . . . (America) captured strategic points and put its armies in the sacred places of the Muslims . . .by creating pretexts and conspiracies, as America was afraid of the success of Muslims in the world, (Author, Unknown). Although the source and authenticity of the pamphlet are unknown, it does appear to reflect the views of true Muslims. Judging by this letter they hold serious contempt for America. They spread this hate by polarizing the two parties with the words good and evil. The Muslim community being the previous and America being the latter. These prejudices createShow MoreRelated Protestant Propaganda1037 Words   |  5 PagesProtestant Propaganda What do you think of when you hear the name Ireland? Ireland is a relatively small island off the coast of Great Britain with a land area of 32,424 square miles (Delaney 2). There are several things that you may associate with this country such as St. Patrick’s Day, shamrocks, beer, and strife. The source of the bitterness behind this conflict began centuries ago, when Britain came over and forced Protestantism on the Irish Catholic inhabitantsRead MoreHas Dr. Martin Luther Kings Dream Become Reality?870 Words   |  4 Pagesracism too has taken leave. One glance at our society and it is self-evident racism is still existent. 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